Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Aii~~, my oh my, my dear Malaysia, the place where I once used to fond of has gradually change and shape for the best or worse? Before I came to US, I was so resilient that I told myself how much I love Malaysia and wont leave Malaysia for good. Well, that was all because I have set a real comfort zone for myself. Doesn't dare to take a step out of it, and explore the awe inspiring of the outside of the box. Glad, now I am in US, I am no longer a frog under the well , I see more things and have a larger scope of the way I think. What used to be true, may seem to be untrue know. As every theory and hypothesis may not be true. Some people strive hard to search for something that they will never get a grab of. And yet they stil try. My point is never to give up. To be honest, i dont know what kind of shitty crap am I talking bout. That's not what I want to write for this post. Oh ya..about election in Malaysia. I guess it will be a easy win for BN again. So unfair. Every time there is an election, I will be very upset. We , Malaysians always boast about how good our country is; multicultural, democratic, KLCC ( good for nothing). But lets us reflect it on our lives. Where is our right to talk? you better not talk sensitive issues or else you'll get kick at ur butt right into jail. Why do only Malays get all the benefits. Thats fucking unfair. Our business policy keep on changing.Its so unstable that no foreign companies would want to invest in our shitty piece of banana land. Haih, dumbass fcking pig, don't ya all know how to use your brain and give a deep thought on how to improve ur citizen welfare and not just shark out a bountiful amount of citizens money. Fck Badawi, useless good for ntg PM that doesnt know how to bring good for our country. Fck BN too. I really just hope for the best and how the winning party will change the future of Malaysia. After all, our vision 2020 is still so further away that it will not be reachable if the party that wins are still being selfish of themselves and reluctant to change for the best !..


Wilson Liong said...

wei finally got posts. 2 some more! but can write something more happy not? hahahahhahahaha